Artist's Application
Sunday September 24th, Downtown Chico 12Noon-4pm
Artist Name:__________________________________________
Phone:______________________ Alt Phone:____________________
Emergency Contact (required):_________________________________ Emergency Phone:________________________
I have enclosed my $30 participation fee:__ Yes __ No (check payable to: Ninth Avenue Gallery)
Please reserve a shade canopy for my booth area: __ Yes __ No(SEPARATE $100 check enclosed payable to: DCBA)
I will Email a digital photo of my work to ninthavenuegallery@gmail.com for review. __ Yes __ No
Please send me information about placing an ad in the Taste of Chico event program! __ Yes __ No
Artist Statement
Please describe the materials, techniques and processes used in your work and explain what you will be showcasing at the Open Air Art Gallery.
I have read and agree to all the specified terms and conditions set forth in the Open Air Art Gallery Criteria for participation. I affirm that all exhibited work is original, and produced solely by myself, the applicant. I further release the Open Air Art Gallery, Taste of Chico, Ninth Avenue Gallery, and all duly appointed representatives as well as the Downtown Chico Business Association, building owners, tenants and the City of Chico of all liability and responsibility for any injury, damage or loss sustained by exhibitors, guests or works of art before, during or after Taste of Chico & the Open Air Art Gallery or as a result of the display of my work, equipment or materials. I understand that the event organizers reserve the right to remove any works that do not meet the standards set forth in the criteria. Failure to comply may result in the removal of an Artist from the event and jeopardize participation in future events. I agree to allow event organizers use of promotional materials (including photographs and videotapes) taken during the event for the purposes of promoting the Open Air Art Gallery/Taste of Chico this year and future years. I also agree to allow event organizers to release my name and telephone number to the public for sales and promotion. I understand that the event organizers reserve the right to revise these regulations and terminate this agreement at its sole discretion.
Artist Signature________________________________
Completed applications must be received no later than Friday, Sept. 6, 2016. Send completed application to: Ninth Avenue Gallery c/o Cynthia Sexton - 180-1 E. 9th Avenue, Chico, CA 95926
Questions? Call Cynthia at (530) 318-2105 or the DCBA at (530) 345-6500